Just personally disgusting how toughness is now bought these days.
I feel as though American masculinity is so consumer based now. The right hair cut, the right clothes, the right hobbies, the right truck, the right stupid accessories for that stupid truck
For a lack of a better word my mind goes to the name “Weak” when I see these assholes. Weak and dependent on their big oil fetish.
They buy their toughness and masculinity instead of earning it through challenge, personal growth, and respect.
I’m sick of the urban assault vehicle crew. Often the normal thing men do where I live is buy a truck, buy some racks and accessories, but some stupid cooler and strut around like Rambo peacocks.
It’s a terrible image to show kids. I hate it
Rant over
Having a big, loud, ugly car has always been a compensation for something. It has been known for ages.
It really is pretty sad when you think about it.
They pay between 60 to 100 thousand dollars to look like tools. It’s very similar to people who spend 40k+ on Harley motorcycles. No one gives a shit about their truck or bike except for them and other tools.
Can’t buy callouses.
It’s hilarious to me because it’s not even for them per se, it’s for other men and they still want to crow about “alpha” and “no homo”.
Jokes aside, it’s a pretty disgusting culture surrounding cars.
It’s mostly marketing right? “Buy this thing to show you are a real tough man.” “This truck can tow more than other trucks, and you’ll never tow jack shit” etc
personally I think that’s half the picture.
Culture says men need to model off each other in a pack mentality, and marketing feeds off that.
Also add right wing toxicity into the mix. You need to be a “big tough guy” or people will think you might be gay. Which is the worst thing ever.
Good points, and that’s probably why huffy brohards make me feel like I must have grown a vagina on my head when I’m cycling to work.