For those who don’t know (I just found out about it) there is an open source Diablo 1 Port that can run on Android phones. Pretty cool. You can also download it on f-droid, you just have to buy a copy of the game from GoG.
Does it play pretty well with touch controls? As far as ARPGs I’ve only ever played PoE and Grim Dawn, but I’ve always meant to try out Diablo.
I got it set up. It definitely works well with touch controls. The later game when you get a lot of abilities might be more difficult. But I’m sure you would get used to it.
I honestly haven’t got it set up yet. I’ll report back once I do.
I deleted the wrong comment. What I had said before accidentally deleting it, was that I also use Devilution on my Linux gaming handheld and it works beautifully. I recommend going into the settings and turning up gamespeed to 2 or 3x. Makes walking a bit less tedious.
Awesome. Yeah I’ve been loving it so far. Forgot how tough the butcher was.
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