My father, who convinced me (16 m) at the time to move in with him instead of my mother when they moved. All 3 of the other siblings stayed with my mother. He then kicked me out the week I turned 18, a week into my senior year. Since then he stays in touch only to speak with his grandchildren (now going on 4 kids). I have never been anything but opportunistic and positive in our interactions. Regardless he still acts like I am a burden to talk too. Am now 37, and finally getting to the point I should accept it. I’m the complete opposite with my own children and can’t comprehend how someone could treat their child like this. How do I cope? It eats at me. I will answer any questions in depth if it will help in understanding the situation.

    1 year ago

    Wanting acceptance and approval is an extremely natural thing for a human. People seek this especially from the people that they care about, whether that is family, friends, a crush or even just people in your local community.

    We could argue the semantics of your statement and debate whether acceptance from a parent is a need or a want, but I think it’s besides the point and not useful to the question OP is asking.

    Honestly, I’m very surprised that this isn’t obvious to you.