I’m tired of that Jihad thing, believe people I thought the same, that Jihad is a word for killing, bombing and etc.
In real Jihad, in its essence, means “striving” or “struggling” in the path of God. It encompasses various forms of striving, including personal spiritual struggles, spreading goodness, defending the faith, and promoting justice.
The most well-known form of jihad is “Jihad al-Qital” or “Jihad in self-defense,” which allows Muslims to defend themselves and their faith in the face of oppression or aggression. It is important to note that Jihad in Islam does not promote violence or terrorism, as it is often erroneously portrayed in the media.
I’ve always put ‘jihad’ as the equivalent of ‘crusade’ in that it could be used to mean ‘Something you’re striving for very strongly’ OR ‘armed struggle’. But I’m no Muslim, nor particularly well-educated in Islamic theology.
The literal existence of crusade word based on Christian armies from Europe sought to reclaim control of holy sites in the Middle East, particularly Jerusalem, from Muslim rule.
Not the best alternative, but better than the bomb thing.
Also because they were called by the Roman Emperor, and probably also to protect Christian pilgrims to the Holy Land
Don’t forget the Butlerian Jihad.
Yeah, sorry to the other replier, but that is the more popular form. And that Jihad was so bloody that it outlawed a good chunk of technology.
Is that last one a bottle of hot sauce or a giant bomb?
Ooh, I love this so much. Top kek!