Wish people would wait to see what the game is actually like rather than blindly trusting a corporation… Consumerism sucks
People will never learn to not preorder games. I have no hope for humanity at this point.
Queue the “internet people are a vocal minority” saying. Unfortunately, it really is true. How anyone can pre-order after fo76 is absolutely bonkers to me
They never learn do they ?
My tactic of waiting a year until a newly released game is fully patched and grabbing it with a discount has yet to fail me.
Nope. And everybody will scream cause they payed 70 bucks for a broken game, just like Bethesda is known to produce.
Just keep looking at the list. Payday 3 is also there. A publisher known for maybe a worse dlc and microtransaction policy than EA with the Sims, but it seems that doesn’t matter a bit.
Stop. Preordering.
Like at least find out if the planets are any good first and not just 2000 procedurally generated flavors of bear asses to collect.
Hopefully there’s a whole RPG game in there and those are just side stuff to muck around and get some loot.
The people that preorder clearly aren’t listening
Why are people advising against pre-ordering? Is Bethesda known for not meeting expected release dates?
Basically, preordering incentivizes companies to release games that are not finished. In general, companies will always maximize revenues while minimizing costs. If they can release a game that didn’t cost them as much to produce (getting massive preorders through good marketing but pinching development and quality) then they absolutely will. look at any AAA released this year
Why are people buying products that they can’t even have until release day?
Preordering is dumb, preordering in 2023 when it’s 50/50 whether any given PC port is going to be a total mess is dumb
I officially hate everyone who preorders digital games. There is absolutely no justification for it. If you preorder, youre the reason modern gaming sucks.
I literally don’t get it either. “BuT It lEtS me DOwNlOaD iT iN AdVanCE” but like are you really that impatient you need it the second it’s released? And before seeing if it’s actually a good game or not?? It’s like people have learned nothing from the constant shitty releases time and time again
I don’t get the appeal of preordering a game months before it comes out when there isn’t even a discount for doing so. At least Steam has 2 hour returns, but why money upfront so far away from release?
No way am I going to pre-order a game in this era of half baked releases and especially not a game from Bethesda which is as well known for their rampant bugs as their compelling gameplay
Do not preorder ffs…
Fellas! Why are games today so buggy! Why are they incomplete? I just don’t understand!!!‽‽???
It looks good in the marketing (it always does) but we should all remember that it’s Bethesda making this. Then again, I can’t even name a developer that I would say “hell yeah, this is gonna be awesome!” at this point. The very sad state of the industry.
Stop preordering omg
I don’t really care that people throw away their money like this. Because I am now always looking forward to the always very entertaining youtube clips of how much off a disaster the lastet AAA videogame release is.
won’t preorder, but i so do hope that it’s gonna be good and worth the wait …