Articles say the gun issue wasn’t likely to result in prison time, but when it comes to the tax issue all they say is “maximum of 17 years”. The max is not the typical sentence, which is what I want to know. Realistically what was Hunter BIden facing?
Sincere question, is it a witch hunt when the punishment is unsubstantiated and unjust (like innocents being burned alive)? My understanding was that politically motivated prosecution was a type of witch hunt and that witch hunt described the act of searching of for the witch, not the burning of the witch.
Hm. Interestingly Wikipedia defines the term differently than I expected:
By that definition you can indeed call it a witch hunt. But somehow it still feels wrong to call an investigation a witch hunt, if the person being investigated really did commit a crime.
I feel like the distinction is that when they started the investigation they had no idea about the crimes. They were just looking for literally anything. It was a fishing expedition, basically.