Pen Pal - Lemmy.world
lemmy.worldA Lemmy community for finding a pen pal and discussions around pen pals. * * *
Stranger Danger Remember, you’re on the internet and the people you are
communicating with are strangers. Use common sense and never give out your
personal information to strangers. The moderators of this community and admins
of this site are not responsible for your own safety. * * * Privacy Tips To
exchange contact information, we recommend using the built in messenger on
Lemmy, never share contact information in posts or comments. It is best to
communicate using one of the following methods. - Lemmy (built in messenger) -
Email - Email Alias (Simplelogin, addy.io [http://addy.io]) - PGP Encryption -
Matrix - SimpleX Chat We highly recommend using a secondary account for
communicating with your pen pal by keeping it seperate from your personal
accounts online (Such as a secondary email address) It is also highly
recommended to use end-to-end encrypted communications as much as possible. * *
* Rules - Discussions must be related to pen pals. - English only. No other
languages is allowed in posts or comments in this community. - Be nice. No
harrassment of any kind will be tolerated. - No doxxing. - This community is for
platonic friendships only. No posts or comment that display romantic or sexual
intentions. - Both pen pals must agree on a form of commuication. You are
responsible for choosing and agreeing on the form of communication. - All pen
pals must be 18 or over. * * * Similar Communities !friendfinder@lemmy.world
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