How about I keep my pay and work from home?
this is the way.
I would work from home for a 20% cut. Which day do they want cut, Friday or Monday?
A good desk (including dock, monitors, chair, rent etc) works out in my city to about $15,000pa. How about you work from home and get paid to maintain your desk?
EDIT: I’m agreeing with you here. My tone was probably confusingly aggressive. I just meant to add the idea that managers wouldn’t even know if WFH was good or bad let alone know whether you should keep your full pay.
How about we decide on what doing the job actually is, in a way that can reasonably be measured, and then see if we can do it better from home or the office?!
I’ve always felt that the elephant in the room on this is that remote work highlights the incompetence of management. And so instead of embracing the notion that remote work can work well provided the work force is well orchestrated, they’ve embraced fear mongering around uncontrolled labour.
I have to come into the office four days a week. I commute 90 minutes each way to sit at my desk and have meetings over Teams with my project team who are scattered all over the world.
Yyyep! That’s what this mind rot gets you!
Here is an crazy idea… pay people for the time they spend commuting…
piss off same job same pay
Because the office is an awful thing in so many ways. Perhaps nice to visit occasionally. But to be forced to live there!? Fucking trash society.
I’d rather just not work at all, fuck making some douche richer.
Can’t stack pallets from home, I took a 100% pay cut and it was worth it.
Before work from home, I was paying $21 a day for parking to go to work. $105 a week. $5,250 a year.
So that’s already money in my pocket, not counting gas and buying lunch out.