This just made me hate people even more.
This just made me hate people even more.
Sounds like OP discovered the joys of linux.
And that’s different from the rest of humanity how? Who wants to sit through 120 minutes of suck?
I like good movies. I had no idea Gerard Butler was such a bad actor until I watched Den of Thieves: Pantera. I then went back and watched the Den of Thieves and noticed a trend.
The first two were more than enough.
I didn’t like that movie as much as everyone else seemed to. I genuinely believe that the sequel is a better film.
I’ve had no issues with genuine SanDisk micro sdxcs despite purchasing from several different sources. SanDisk currently has a 1.5tb micro sdxc for $99 on amazon. Wherever you purchase from use f3probe to verify the card - https://fight-flash-fraud.readthedocs.io/en/latest/introduction.html.
I’m not concerned with Nintendo, I’m more curious to see some real competition for the Steam Deck.
An unbelievable waste of time and human effort. One of the world’s most useless rackets and that’s saying something.
He sounds just like an inmate.
The Anbernic rg35xx h has served me well. Likewise the Nintendo 2DS XL.
How about you read the entire post instead of picking out one line that you do not like.
Phrenology and “Scientific Racism” in the 19th Century https://pages.vassar.edu/realarchaeology/2017/03/05/phrenology-and-scientific-racism-in-the-19th-century/
The familiar paradigm of five human races was born in the year 1795—at the transitional moment between the rationality of the Enlightenment and the emotional fervour of Romanticism—when a German doctor, Johann Friedrich Blumenbach, set out the distinct characteristics of those groups he called Caucasians Mongolians, Ethiopians, Americans, and Malays. https://www.counterpunch.org/2020/10/23/the-science-of-race-and-the-racism-of-science/
(Line deleted due to sensitive Europeans :p)
And you found the one example of a monarch being forced to abdicate and ignored the dozens (if not hundreds) of cases of European monarchs interceding in the political process and not facing any sanctions. Or worse, actively breaking the law of the land and then being protected from prosecution as was the case with Prince Andrew of England when his mother ensured that he faced no real investigation into his alleged proclivities. https://www.republic.org.uk/royal_corruption_inquiry_call_following_andrew_revelations
Lords of War: The British Monarchy And The Arms Trade https://theowp.org/reports/lords-of-war-the-british-monarchy-and-the-arms-trade/
What’s wrong with Britain? Let’s start with the monarchy https://www.opendemocracy.net/en/opendemocracyuk/whats-wrong-with-britain-lets-start-with-the-monarchy/
King Charles and Prince William Accused of ‘Corruption’ Over Their Millions https://www.newsweek.com/king-charles-prince-william-document-trove-sparks-backlash-over-their-millions-1979681
No sir, that is a lie.
Modern racism is very much rooted in European pseudo-scientific bullshit.
And those kings and queens do hold power, unofficially, off the books. It’s called corruption when it happens elsewhere but as we know Europeans are too pure and righteous to engage in corruption (at home), they only do it abroad when lobbying for contracts illegally…
Unelected heads of state is clear. I did not say heads of government.
History shows us that racism is to Europe as fish are to the sea.
And all the bigoted right wing European governments are what?
All the unelected head of states in Europe are democratic?
You cannot have an opinion on Europe and Europeans that is not glowing on this platform. They will come for you while accusing Americans, the Chinese and others of being the problem.
Never had a problem with it on Gentoo, Arch, Void or Tails.
Far left? What does that even mean?