Why I would separate the artist from what they made? I’m interested in what they have to say about the world. That’s the point of art.
It’s not just content to make me happy until the next hit. Like, it has meaning.
Why I would separate the artist from what they made? I’m interested in what they have to say about the world. That’s the point of art.
It’s not just content to make me happy until the next hit. Like, it has meaning.
The Best of World SF is undeniably an excellent sampler of voices from around the world, both of authors and of translators.
The editor comes off as maybe a bit self-centred? But I can’t deny they have excellent taste and connections.
Fedi seems to be really great for accessibility from what I’ve seen. At least I’ve never never interacted with so many visually impaired people before joining mastodon. So I’d say that culture is working.
I believe there’s a nice way to go about (honey v vinegar, etc), but generally yeah, it feels really good to be in a virtual space that is so welcoming.
I can’t really think of a case where a post’s image isn’t relevant to the associated discussion. Even if it’s just a nonsense post with an unrelated image, knowing what the irrelevant image is about would help make sense of the discussion.
Not enough info is better than nothing. Because if it’s nothing, you can’t tell if the person who shared the image is lazy or decided the alt text wasn’t necessary for this particular picture
They’re neat (I’ve only tried Uni’s), though imho I prefer the manual control of a regular mech/pencil when writing in cursive, because then I can choose when to rotate the lead (ie by rotating the entire pencils).
If you’re used to writing with pencils you don’t even think about it anymore. It’s as natural as dotting an i
I relayed 1 and 2 maybe a decade ago now, and I remember there were some fan patches that made them much more user friendly. Higher resolutions and mouse scrolling in inventory being the enhancements I remember most.
I do have some nostalgia for to these games, so my tolerance for old school inconvenience is likely higher.
I think we have very different ways of enjoying art. I don’t really understand how it’s possible for at to have nothing with the artist’s views, unless it were totally random. Actually, even that would be saying something.
But I get the feeling that we look at art pretty differently.