Luckily the app is generally (but not always) backwards compatible. It’ll just nag you to upgrade the server.
Luckily the app is generally (but not always) backwards compatible. It’ll just nag you to upgrade the server.
The server doesn’t, except if you have watchtower or something similar.
The app auto updates on your phone though, unless turned off.
Like everyone is saying, Immich.
But keep an eye on updates because it is under active development so breaking changes tend to happen every once in a while.
Good game. I played during/after the beta, I felt like it needed a bit more variety in guns and maps. Have they been adding stuff since?
One of the things I like about DDG is that you can turn localised results on/off whenever you like and even chose the location. Also localised search is pretty good for me too.
Because the world isn’t “ending”. Yes climate change might bring famine, destructive weather events, or plague but in the meantime we are living in the safest, healthiest, and most technologically advanced era of humanity up until now, especially for those of us living in democracies. Most diseases that would have killed you a few hundred years ago have been solved, in general there are very few wars (compared to the constant on and off warfare in history anyway), and in most of the world slavery has been eradicated.
Yes, there is societal divide (mostly due to economic difficulties and how social media influences people), yes there is bigotry and a rise in nationalism but much of this is only noticeable because of the media and the 24 hour news cycle. There has to be a constant issue hanging over our heads to make sure we are glued to our screens 24/7 improving shareholder value of the companies supplying the news on the current crisis.
So in conclusion, there are some global issues, but there is no reason not to go on an adventure, pursue that girl/boy you like, build a shed, or do whatever “side quest” you are up to at the moment. It’s not like you’re gonna solve climate change alone but you’ll be completely miserable if that is all your life is about. The world is not ending for now, go do your side quests.
That makes sense then, I wouldn’t trust the plane luggage handlers with the pc. In that case you’re probably right to sell. I would still price compare for a gpu or cpu and get the rest of the build later, but also heavily factor in the hassle of carrying stuff and basically not having a warranty for parts that you bought in the US.
I did actually move with my gaming pc twice. But I had most of my stuff shipped in a truck and only the essentials on the plane. You’ll probably end up having limited space/weight in the checked luggage anyway. Gool luck with the move!
Might be better off building a new one in the US and shipping it with your other stuff. Sales tax (import tax?) is pretty bad for electronics in the EU, stuff is a lot more expensive. Everything costs pretty much ~30% more.
You can package the computer in the box of the case and maybe take out the gpu and/or the cpu cooler and pack that separately so it doesn’t break in shipping.
How much stuff are you bringing? Are you getting like a shipping container for furniture, etc. or just essentials? Are you staying in one spot for long? If not, gaming laptops might suit you better (once again, cheaper to buy in the US).
To OP though, be careful doing this, you might soft lock yourself out of the OS
Any specific one you would recommend?
It’s interesting that they are so repulsive to almost everyone (including me). I wonder what the specific traits are that makes people dislike the cast, I can’t quite put my finger on it.
(Except maybe for the roomba/hoover robot, that one seemed kinda interesting as a concept)
If your course allows it, an m1 macbook air might be within your price range if you shop around.
Helldivers. $40 is a bit spicy for my friend group. We don’t have a good enough track record to keep playing a game to justify full price.
In addition to what others said about weight, training, the logistics of moving that many people at once, and other common sense problems; the most times (~80%) something goes wrong with airplanes is during takeoff or landing where you couldn’t feasably safely jump out of the plane anyway reducing their effectiveness even further.
The paradox holds in an infinitely dividable setting. Take the series of numbers where the next number equals the previous one divided by 2: {1, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16…}. If you take the sum of this infinite series (there is always a larger factor of two to divide by) you are going to get a finite result (namely 2, in this instance). So for the real life example, while there is always another ‘half’ of the distance to be travelled, the time it takes to do so is also halved with every iteration.
Does this include Candy Crush an mobile gaming in general? I’d say that people who play something on their phone every now and then won’t be foaming from their mouths because of something like this. Then again, they don’t buy the games that we’re talking about here so that’s why I’m asking (I checked your link but couldn’t find this info)
What stood out to me is how bad the Ally can be in certain games when not plugged in. 1% and. 1% lows that are worse than either of the decks. The best thing about the old deck (other than the screen) is battery life. In Dead Cells it beat the lcd decks 6 hours with 8 hours of battery life while running at 90 fps instead of 60 (the ally lasted 2-3 hours depending on refresh rate). Obviously this is not a very gpu heavy scenario but still significant in my opinion.
Not exactly sure what the server limits are but something like Valheim could work for a large group of people. It’s an open world sandbox so people can divide up and do whatever they want to on the same server (exploring, fighting, mining, building, farming, etc.) Not sure how far you can get in the game in 3 hours though…
Alternatively you could play some sort of team based shooter but there might be a stark skill difference in a competitive setting.
Apparently the star wars bf classic collection has a 32 player co-op mode vs ai which sounds amazing to me, but I’ve never tried it before
How can the picture be real of your eyes aren’t real?
You’re never really sitting at a 90° angle for the whole screen, only the middle. For very large screens the effect can get quite pronounced. One possible solution is to look for a display with better off-center viewing performance in terms of colour and brightness shift. The other comment about rtings is a great resource.
Alternatively you can get a curved display where the entire surface area is at a perpendicular angle to your eyes (this is most common in ultra wide displays). These come with their own tradeoffs of course. One of them is the viewing sweet spot is not only from left to right, but also at a given distance from the screen. You can calculate the desired curvature based on display size and how far you will be sitting from the screen.