Why’d they change it? I can’t say. People just like it better that way.
Why’d they change it? I can’t say. People just like it better that way.
Not likely, and there’s a…well, not really good…maybe understandable, or relatable… reason for it.
It has to do with the cost of commercial real estate, and the government being a barometer for private sector.
If the government says “everyone RTO”, companies be like “cmon that means us too”. Especially so for government contractors.
But if people stay remote…then there’s no need for these big buildings in cities. So they sit vacant or underutilized. And then there’s a surplus of commercial real estate, and the commercial real estate sector falls in on itself, and a bunch of other bad things happen.
But wait, there’s more.
Why live in expensive, densely packed, overpriced cities, if not for being in close proximity to high paying jobs? Likely what would follow is urban residential and MDU/MFU values tanking as there’s an exodus from cities and nearby towns. And while that might be good for people who don’t own property, a lot of people, especially middle-class people in commuter-ville, will probably be losing their nest-egg. More than likely to be picked up cheap by somebody to build a warehouse or a datacenter or luxury condos or something. Something that takes up a lot of space but doesn’t need a lot of staff.
Jesus was a rebel. He hated the state. Assuming he was a real person, he was a bastion of hope against an authoritative rule.
Considering literacy rates among the lower classes ~2000 years ago, it’s not really surprising there was a lot of oral tradition until he was co-opted to control the people. And oral traditions usually lead to exaggerated elements, such as miracles.
Think about what we’d be saying about George Washington or any of the other founding fathers, if reading and writing weren’t commonplace, and most of what we knew of him was oral tradition. Hell, even despite the writings, we still have a heavily romanticized view of them.
Ah. The Holy Bible. Literal word of God (Edited and abridged by man.)
Because even their perfect God can’t write a perfect book.
Dude, it was like 70F here on Halloween night. Both my kids were sweating bullets when we got them out of their costumes. A couple kids in our group had to take them off because it was overbearing.
Hell I went as Hagrid so my costume was like…sweatpants and a wig. And I had to take my wig off. Granted, I had filled my 30oz Yeti with a pretty strong cocktail for the walk. But still.
Ugh, me, with a shy bladder, at intermission during Hamilton.
My eyes were turning yellow at Guns and Ships. Really thought I wouldn’t make it. The line at the men’s room was huge. Get in. Get to urinal. Can’t.
End up leaving with bladder still full and getting back into line to get a stall and finish just in time. Couldn’t even get another overpriced beer for the second act.
I take it you don’t have kids.
Taking 10 or 15 minutes to “shit” is a much needed break. Especially when there’s another parent home (or the kids are old enough) and you can shut the door.
Then there’s the old “boss makes a dollar I make a dime” adage…
That’s just self checkout with fewer steps.
I guess that’s what any vending machine is though.
The same people who have “emotional support animals” and dick-nosed through mask mandates (if they even wore one) will shop around for doctors who will give them a bogus handicap placard. I guarantee it.
They’ve had some flops…Wii U, DSi, Virtualboy…but they ain’t no game.com. Way more hits than misses in the console realm.
My comments are just the code that didn’t work but I don’t want to delete yet because I might make it work except I never will be cause I already rewrote it so it does.
Fracking is used for oil and for natural gas. And it absolutely pollutes local water supplies, aside from also using a shit ton of water, causing tremors, and wrecking wildlife habitats.
If there’s one benefit for it, it’s that it improves energy independence because it allows us to tap more difficult wells cost-effectively.
But that’s a bit of a stretch, because divesting away from fossil fuels also improves energy independence.
Maybe try typing the word you’re talking about into Google before speaking so confidently out of your ass. What are you, Ace Ventura?
Because it’s a bad faith argument.
There’s no candidate that opposes Israel’s actions.
It’s certainly okay, even preferable, to be critical of our administration, but it serves no point to bring it up in a discussion of the election, because it serves only to de-rail the conversation when any candidate who matters supports the genocide.
Hitler wouldn’t have been shit if he wasn’t celebrated by German media during the Beer Hall Putsch trials. And he would’ve faded to obscurity pretty quick if not for Goebbels.
Fascists are bad. But they only get dangerous when they’re given a platform.
I don’t think the fascism would exist if it wasn’t profitable to give it a platform.
It’s like My 600lb Life.
Trump is the bedridden 800lb lump of a human. And the news cycle that brings him hamburgers by the pallet is the enabler spouse.
Trump is an outrage machine, and we have a media that deals in an economy of outrage.
Trump gets outrage. Outrage gets clicks. Clicks get money. It’s a pretty simple chain to follow.
We need to wake up and realize that a profit-driven instantaneous news system that leverages strong emotions is not good for anybody. Truth is subjective nowadays, (always has been, really, but it’s especially evident in the current media climate) and all that matters is getting information and narratives (not necessarily facts) out and people consuming it (and all the ads embedded with it) there, first, and right now.
Lol I was joking with a smoking buddy yesterday, watching the chickens, thinking that if they ever remake Jurassic Park (which im sure they will), they should use a chicken sound for the roar.
They really are amazing lol.
As soon as they run out of food they start following me all over the yard. Only one of them will actually peck at me, and she’s the top of the pecking order.
It is so fun to watch them and envision them as tiny little T-rex’s. And pretend full-size T-rex’s behaved the way they do.
What if it’s full of empty Coors Light cans?
In which case, “beloved” is not necessarily a qualifier for “husband”. That’s some clever word play. He’s a beloved father…also he’s a husband. Nothing really to say about the latter one. Just stating a fact.