Somewhere in a quiet corner of Moscow, Putin is laughing hysterically… not like a mere human laugh. I mean fucken Mark Hamill “Joker” type laughter
Somewhere in a quiet corner of Moscow, Putin is laughing hysterically… not like a mere human laugh. I mean fucken Mark Hamill “Joker” type laughter
His greatest weakness was that he believed that all would be forgiven. That being said… a nasty man who met a nasty end. THE END
Alas no. Pooty’s got enough brains to know friends and foes alike are gunnin’ for him. He’s VERY careful when disclosing his intentions and whereabouts. If you want to do him, someone from the inside has got to give him up… ( cue up Attack on Titan final season opening theme: My War)
To be quite honest, this was the Riddler taking out Darkseid. And while Edward has the $$$ and the genius behind him, he may have failed to take to account those in D’seids thrall who may now be gunnin’ for HIS scrawny ass for shits and giggles. Wagner is known for one thing, settling scores. And unless Mad Vlad has already settled the scales with coin for all those unemployed mercs , all those loyal to Prez are gonna be pissed… Hey ,you dust my boss, maybe we dust you. Fair is fair.
Whoa. Now that Wagners #1 got dusted, I guess all his little green men shut their shoulders and go back to plowing potatoes, right? Yah, right. Now that the demon lord is dead, all his minions have be given free reign to do to Putin what he did to their boss. Stay tuned…
Prigozin took a MANPAD to his man ass