Oh I’ve been waiting to hear more about this! It looks like a fun game to pick up with some friends. Love the Saturday Morning Cartoon vibe
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Oh I’ve been waiting to hear more about this! It looks like a fun game to pick up with some friends. Love the Saturday Morning Cartoon vibe
This game had a shockingly good run. Obviously it’s still going to be around with repeat tours and all that, but the fact it got as many new updates as it did is pretty impressive
My guess is that it might be some DK stuff coming in the next Mario Kart DLC But I’m hoping it’s more! I know there has been rumor of a DK game being done by Nintendo EPD…
I know it’s hoping beyond hope, but toss a simple online mode into GX and that would become my life
Oh my god this article is modern artwork, 7/10
It’s a long shot but give us playable Wario!
Nice! I’ve been wondering if an N64 community had popped up yet. Excited
Excited to play as my boy Knuckles. It’s been too long