I think… that I …must print some of these out… tomorrow
I think… that I …must print some of these out… tomorrow
Can’t wait to see it, hopefully sooner than later.
Well hello Dr. Crusher!
Mariah Carey, or maybe it’s just me, over rated , primadona, cat in heat screeching noise. All I want for Christmas is to never hear that song again :)
I’m lookin’ for the man that shot my Paw!
Scared to find out it’s as useful as a pet rock!
I’ve been using a Nalgene 1L daily since receiving it last Christmas. It has the screw on widemouth lid, I’m typically leery of any plastic, but I feel safe with this particular brand that is made in the US (where I foolishly believe that material sourcing is better researched).
I thought Andy T was a multi-bajillionaire, now I have to rethink everything.
I recall watching the The Void form in a timelapse and just how it consumed everything around it.
Haha, Space Himmler, will be using that from now on, thank you!
Gotta say, overall a general improvement 😉