There’s an integration to Open Weather Map. You have to sign up for an API Key, but it’s free. One of the sensors is cloud cover.
There’s an integration to Open Weather Map. You have to sign up for an API Key, but it’s free. One of the sensors is cloud cover.
I’ve played and enjoyed most of the Quantic Dream games. This is the one where it feels like they finally perfected the formula. Thanks for the reminder - I need to put this on my replay list.
After all that work and documentation?! I say stick with Open Garage!
Ordered two Ratgdos yesterday. Hopefully the wait isn’t too long.
Narcissists don’t like being held to any standard.
Dolly Parton at the Nashville rotating restaurant (on top of the Sheraton in the 90s). I was having dinner with a friend and just getting to know her better. She was explaining to me how she always runs into celebrities. She carried around an autograph book everywhere she went. We go to leave and Dolly is coming in. My friend gets another autograph. Dolly was very sweet and very short.
Edit: remove extra words
Try a Couch to 5K program. You start off mostly walking and slowly increase the amount of running. There are a bunch of great phone and watch apps. I like Watch to 5K for the Apple Watch (one-time purchase, no subscription).