A median is an average and is exactly that.
Intelligence also tends to be a bell curve distribution which means the mean is likely that way too. Also means the mode, the final type of average, is also likely in the middle.
A median is an average and is exactly that.
Intelligence also tends to be a bell curve distribution which means the mean is likely that way too. Also means the mode, the final type of average, is also likely in the middle.
I don’t think it’s the height of the table, it’s that it needs to roll under the bed.
I actually learned GDScript this summer. When the Unity debacle happened, Zenva.com was running a Godot humble bundle. While the bundle doesn’t exist, you can find similar courses on Youtube. The courses were just creating simple games, like ‘Create a 2D Platformer with Godot 4’ or ‘Real-Time Strategy Game with Godot 4’. I did about half a dozen of those. That gave me the tools to understand the basic usage of GDScript as well as the Godot engine. Anything more advanced was googling my question. There’s A LOT of GDScript developers, and with it being open source the community tends to be very helpful, ime.
You can do the basic records via file. /etc/pihole/custom.list is a hosts formatted file for records so you don’t have to use a gui.
I had dns issues until I got my allowed ips squared away. You could try setting it to if it’s not already to verify it’s not the problem.
The lines before it seem to imply you’ve run it before. If this is a new install I’d try dropping the scheme entirely and starting again.
Why should the shareholders interest even be prioritized. What about customers? Or employees? Or the business itself?
This priority on short term profits for stock price is toxic to functional capitalism.
Let me just call some other hospitals, surgeons, and anesthesiologists to price shop when my kid needs surgery.
Nevermind the fact you’re further limited by the network decided by the insurance provider you don’t get to choose…
I use this guy https://github.com/haugene/docker-transmission-openvpn
Open up the transmission rpc port and you’re golden. It also sets up a proxy for any other services/devices you want to run through the VPN. Supports port forwarding for PIA too.
As a half a pack a day smoker for most of my life, this is what all addicts say.
You’re just in denial.
If you can quit whenever you want then why is this worth the fight to you? Because you’re addicted.
They help you get through the day because not having them is a stressor. Because you’re addicted.
I haven’t had a cigarette in like 2 years and they still sound good sometimes. Because I’m addicted.
Even if your router can issue two DNS servers you shouldn’t add a second that’s not a pihole.
Otherwise a client will just fail over any blocked lookups to the secondary, negating the purpose of a pihole.
I think it was red letter media that did a whole thing about how Freddy got fingered was likely a middle finger from Tom green to the studio who paid him to make that movie.
I think it’s this one.
I found it easiest to get them running on docker. The documentation wasn’t FANTASTIC, but it got me there in the end.
Then I have nginx proxy manager running in another docker container, which handles the virtual hosts for me. It’s the one actually bound to 80 and 443. Will help you get set up with SSL certs easily, too.
I use nginx proxy manager to route all my services. Just forward 80 and 443 from my router to that.
It won’t scale linearly. A lot of those users will be subscribed to subs the instance is already replicating. It would only be new subs that would add to the growth.
If you want to host it locally, Stirling PDF can be run in docker, and uses a library that uses Tesseract. Has a bunch of other handy PDF operations, too. I keep it around for the two times a year I need to merge, split, or decrypt PDFs.
It can do it straight from PDF and do multiple files at a time.