Yea, exactly, I was looking for an alternative to r/nba, and there’s nothing atm
Yea, exactly, I was looking for an alternative to r/nba, and there’s nothing atm
There is one and I’m subbed, if you search communities for nba it’s easy to find. Unfortunately the r/NBA community was heavily opposed to blackouts, and I’m skeptical we’ll see much migration. It’s a very different culture than the other subs I’m in.
Yea, that’s the hope. I’m subscribed, but a lot of the value is knowing I’m catching the latest news. If news broke in the last 5 minutes then it’s on r/NBA. If I can’t count on that then the value diminishes significantly. Hopefully the community will grow as will the activity.
Is missing an active NBA community, which is/was at least half of my reddit traffic along with several other subs I frequented, so I that regard it’s a let down.
The interface is already better on jerboa than anything reddit ever made, and I haven’t had a ton of issues, just missing the communities.
This is the key. Different products are intuitive for different people. Some people prefer less customizability with less barrier to entry. I recommend Apple products for a lot of users even though I strongly prefer Android/Linux/Widows. I also strongly prefer the Mac trackpad and gesture support. I use a Mac laptop for anything not work related because I hate the way trackpads work on Windows (even using the superior Mac trackpad).
All that said, if someone else prefers iOS, or Windows trackpads (or even likes those awful little buttons on Lenovos), then they should use them! Use what works for you!