I can do you one better with a Tampermonkey script that will replace every reference to his name on every webpage to either “the biggest twat on the planet” or “this dipshit”, depending on which works better syntactically.
// ==UserScript==
// @name Text Replace
// @version 0.1
// @description Text Replace
// @author SiameseDream
// @include *
// @grant none
// @namespace beepboop
// ==/UserScript==
(function() {
'use strict';
var replaceArry = [
[/ Elon Musk/gi,' the biggest twat on the planet'],
[/Elon Musk/gi,'The biggest twat on the planet'],
[/ Mr. Musk/gi,' this dipshit'],
[/ Musk/gi,' this dipshit'],
[/Mr. Musk/gi,'This dipshit'],
[/Musk/gi,'This dipshit'],
// etc.
var numTerms = replaceArry.length;
var txtWalker = document.createTreeWalker (
{ acceptNode: function (node) {
//-- Skip whitespace-only nodes
if (node.nodeValue.trim() )
return NodeFilter.FILTER_ACCEPT;
return NodeFilter.FILTER_SKIP;
var txtNode = null;
while (txtNode = txtWalker.nextNode () ) {
var oldTxt = txtNode.nodeValue;
for (var J = 0; J < numTerms; J++) {
oldTxt = oldTxt.replace (replaceArry[J][0], replaceArry[J][1]);
txtNode.nodeValue = oldTxt;
In practice it looks like this
It doesn’t need to have a use case. Use cases are for users and our priorities don’t really rank near the top anymore. It’s mostly cargo cult follow-the-leader product management at this point, so it needs to have the latest buzzwords tagged on like blockchain or machine learning or something-as-a-service so investors will get hyped for it and maybe generate some buzz in the tech industry.