Honestly, to me, that would be incredibly fast prep or your meals are pretty simple. Even easy meals I’ve made a million times take me half an hour. Most take one hour to cook and I still feel like I’m rushing around.
Honestly, to me, that would be incredibly fast prep or your meals are pretty simple. Even easy meals I’ve made a million times take me half an hour. Most take one hour to cook and I still feel like I’m rushing around.
People are mostly good. Propaganda designed to enforce certain beliefs makes people think those less fortunate are lazy, entitled, and less deserving. It’s also human nature to discount any luck in our success stories and attribute them to only/mostly hard work.
“primary highlight of public education is that it is free daycare for their exhausted, working parents.”
In their eyes. That doesn’t make it true. Education is, and should be treated as, the backbone of society.
Yeah, that’s the advice. Just no one be a teacher. Great! Now what are all the kids going to do to get into their own fields?
There’s a couple ways I see it. Make the negative consequence or positive reward enough that he makes the effort to remember on his own.
You could also talk him through what happens when bin night gets missed. Where does he think the trash will go? How often does trash go out and how quickly do the bins fill up? How long does it take to catch up on a missed night? Maybe don’t rescue him when he forgets and make him figure out the answer to those questions.
Yeah… I’d never think of a door handle being there or being so tiny. That said, I’d fiddle with everything I saw until the door opened.
I guess so. I didn’t know that. Thanks for the info.
Not necessarily. I know several people who got it several times within that period. And we dragged it out on purpose to not overwhelm our hospitals.
Huh, I never see porn, but then I sort by the 12 hour thing.
I mean, sure, but if you hadn’t used those precautions you would have gotten it sooner, likely spread it to more people who would have them spread it to more people, ect. The point wasn’t to prevent infection for eternity.
Fun fact. None of those things are perfect except staying away from everyone and your entire household doing so as well. Cloth masks work better when both/everyone wears one; that lowers the chance of getting infected to 3%. If only one person wears a mask, there’s a much higher risk of infection. The vaccine and booster are great, but again, not 100%. It is good to stack things in your favor, but stuff still happens. To take the small percentage where people still get sick and use that to decide masks don’t protect anyone at all is ridiculous.
Omg, my father-in-law rails against it because it would allow, gasp, homeless people to move around and maybe, the horror, come to our neighborhoods.
It would require those things and time, yes. I don’t think anyone is suggesting public transit in the US would be viable overnight.
You really truly believe that in his entire political career spanning multiple decades that he’s never once been friendly?
Yeah, I recently found out that even though men’s pants sizes are denoted by inches, they still vary across brands. It’s all bullshit.
Considering I don’t like eggs, no I can’t. Eggs are gross. I continue to take a prenatal vitamin because something about it prevents my headaches. My doctor theorized it’s the calcium and magnesium, but taking those separately doesn’t help. Maybe it’s the dosage in the prenatal or something else in deficienct in, but it really helps me.
God, I hope so. Something has to give.
Surely they have enough to share and won’t cry that giving workers fair wages will bankrupt them.
And there’s tons of other schools who may not reject it. What exactly are you trying to say here with the single word “rejected” and a link?
Open it on Mozilla and choose reader view?