I don’t think it was ever born to have died. I think they grossly overestimated how much this tech would improve
Everything’s generative-AI, GANs, LLMs… now, which do not produce any value,
hey, I think my LLM satire news thing is cool, at least I have fun with it
better things exist, but nothing is ever perfect.
it would be better to learn to dettach your self-esteem from the job. think on work like the chore it is, like taking out the trash and washing dishes, something you do to pay the bills
I took decades of experience plus adhd medication and depression medication to get where I am. I still feel annoyed to be using tech I don’t like and doing stuff I don’t like, but I’m handling it a lot better now
there is a lot of full remote software dev jobs in the US, but they advertise them here in South America and India, for 20% to 50% of what they pay for americans
nuke it until there is no one left and the radiation turn it into a de facto natural reserve like Chernobyl
there must be a small number of players that torrented it then bought it after they played and things like that
I loved that this one explain each of these dark patterns too
I’m doing some scraping on the playstore, there is few stuff that has no ads nor in app purchases
I posted a few here on https://lemmy.fbmac.net/c/free_android_games
I use borg
it began and end long ago, we are in the 3rd era of the after post modern post future
closest I can think of are Alladin and the lion king
android has anti-features too, not ppintless
No, I didn’t anticipate significant backslash. The criticism of Wikipedia is valid, but I’m comparing it to the raw stream of BS I get on social media, not to an idealistic vision of what wikipedia should be