Yes. Owning a car is a constant expense. For something that gets used a small percent of the day.
I rent if I ever need a car. The rent by-the-minute schemes near me include charging or fuel, insurance and everything for ~25ct/minute. Ideal for local trips with passengers. Otherwise I bike everywhere in Munich.
Yes. I put a basket on the back, which gets used all the time. Bike lock. My bag of rain gear or shopping bag. You can chuck in items, such as gloves, without needing to stop. I have an elastic, where one hook is bent closed, so it stays attached all the time. Which let’s me carry lots of shopping or awkward items.
For heavier loads, such as beer crates, I attach my trailer. That beats a cargo bike as you don’t always want it attached. And its cheap and easy to pack away.
Since getting the trailer, I no longer need to borrow a car. That is such a nice feeling of freedom and independence from high costs, parking problems, needing to plan ahead.