Like couldn’t be that jobs don’t think we’re worth a livable wage and that they union bust or coworkers can’t be convinced to do so…like I want things better for myself but without others banding together at any job I get it never will…
Like couldn’t be that jobs don’t think we’re worth a livable wage and that they union bust or coworkers can’t be convinced to do so…like I want things better for myself but without others banding together at any job I get it never will…
Yep, esp the burnout. I feel this on so many levels as a audhd person who experiences this so quickly with jobs. Esp since employers just don’t get it or value employee health. Because if they did they’d pay more and give more pto and sick leave. Instead the uppers at all these jobs need their bonuses and raises while we get crumbs or let go at the slightest downturn…
laid off while on vacation
Oh screw that. I had that happen while I was on a church trip on my first job. They also said I would be better in a job like mcd’s where I was standing still at a register. Jokes on them I can’t do any of those jobs anymore bc of my audhd and all that goes with it. The meltdowns, anxiety/panic attacks, and generally uneducated people on my conditions that refuse to learn are awful…
Seriously…need to do that with mine but it’s just sitting deactivated. Don’t feel like messing with it…
I mean I’ve bought plenty that were scratched but still worked. Only one that didn’t really was the twilight princess we found randomly in my church parking lot when I was younger. I just don’t like the speed since no one seems to get nailing down loading times. I’d love something Ala switch games tho…
I can see them forced to have some form of resellable media Ala switch maybe. But disc’s as others have stated I think are on the way out. Esp bc they’re so easily scratched and everything else…like good for a time but should’ve had something else come in once cartridges caught back up in price. They were always quicker by a long shot…it’s just that memory prices weren’t there in the 90s or until now even really. If I don’t like or don’t want a game I want some way to sell it off and can’t do that digitally bc they won’t equate it to the same thing as selling a used copy XD
Yea can’t be the fact they make excess that used to be taxed appropriately that forced living wages. Not to mention greedflation on necessities like meds and groceries(not including that avocado toast which is a dumb point bc that’s cheap af). Don’t forget those like me with severe social anxiety that keeps getting worse ontop of being audhd that isn’t “high need” enough to be considered for disability or nothing(tho the latter could be me overthinking while in the middle of a autistic burnout from pandemic and other life shiz up to this point…)