Did you edit the title in sync by any chance?
Just fixed that bug…
Testing updating the bio from within sync. Final check 🪵
Did you edit the title in sync by any chance?
Just fixed that bug…
Modlog, reports and notifications are next up on my todo.
Just finishing up prepping the app for translations. Should be ready with Spanish and German within the next few days!
If there are any mods here that would like any new specific mod features please let me know. I’d like to add the functionality of toolbox over the next few weeks.
For years they blocked Reddit on the underground so this ain’t surprising.
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
Nope. If I can’t use Sync I won’t use Reddit.
I’ll be directing all of my users in Sync to lemmy.world tomorrow.
Probably worse. It’s the old software engineering Moto, nine women can’t have a baby in one month
I did all of the development for Sync myself. It blows my mind the mobile team is around ~200 people and ~70 on Android.
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