Coffee. Manga. Video games. Books. Sci-fi. Linux. True crime. Android. Trees.
Time well spent.
Ah, I see you’re a Vault hunter of culture as well.
I have tried using a couple of the forks, but always end up returning to the original.
I already did, during the blackout. I honestly didn’t have much hope for things to improve or roll back. Also, in the last month I’ve seen the communities grow a lot, so I don’t miss reddit that much.
I’m a web developer, but work with people that do mobile apps, and I’m well aware of the differences between both OSes. But as an end user, I couldn’t care less. I have used both iOS and Android devices, and currently only own Android ones.
I don’t consider myself a power user, but the apps I enjoy in Android are miles ahead of their iOS counterparts; yes, I get many of them via alternative stores or github repos, so I’m definitely not a regular user (I work with linux, so maybe I’m THAT kind of guy lol). I can tolerate some annoyances in exchange of the freedom I get and the vast amount of apps, but I don’t expect regular user to do the same.
Also, I absolutely see the appeal of iOS devices for most people, they’re snappy and have no surprises. My wife and children love them.
As a user, there’s so much shit you can’t do on iOS.
I feel you and share your mindset. But most people don’t think about that stuff that way. And ads are not targeted at people like you to begin with, their goal is to reach amd influence the most people possible, but not all of them. Whatever works on the majority is a success.
Honestly, I like it better this way. Exactly for the reason you just pointed out, costs. But better embedding capabilities sound good. (Disclaimer: I honestly don’t give a fuck about videos in social media, I prefer images, and maybe gifs)
Ok, I’m googling that shit (no pun intended), didn’t know about it.