Legitimately the best advice in this thread. Speaking from experience.
Legitimately the best advice in this thread. Speaking from experience.
We had pretty mild cases, but yeah I remember it working quite well! I wouldn’t recommend it without speaking to a professional first since your kids’ cases are quite severe, but I’ve had good experiences with it.
When my siblings and I were young we would occasionally get eczema flair ups on our hands. Whenever this happened my mom would fill a sock with Vaseline and have us wear it on our hands to bed. Kinda funny.
I didn’t mean it as a flex. It was a commentary on how the most commonly used programming language in current days is just as flawed as the most commonly used programming language in the past (in web development). Bad programmers are going to write bad code, regardless of the language.
I get hating on PHP is a meme, and the language certainly has faults, but I feel like it’s no more arbitrary than how JavaScript behaves. And just like JavaScript, if you follow modern standards and use a modern version, it’s a much better experience. The language is only as good as the programmer.
Oh trust me, I know. Personal best is 20k lines in a Java file that served as the main control flow of the entire software. Just because it’s common doesn’t make me any less disgusted 😂
Thankfully now I’m the asshole senior who gets to prevent this kind of stuff from happening in the first place. But like you said, that doesn’t help with legacy applications lol.
8,000+ lines in a single file??? I’m going to be sick
Oh I completely agree. Funny enough, I never intended to do it as a career. I always wanted to be a pilot. But unfortunately the FAA considers me “medically unfit”, so I had to go with my backup plan.
For video games I’m all over the place lol. I’m a huge fan of 2D platformers, so Spelunky 2 and Hollow Knight are pretty high up on my list. I’ve played a ton of OSRS over the years, but I’ve been taking a hiatus for the last few years. I imagine I’ll start playing again eventually! Besides that, some of my other favorites are Factorio, Terraria, Dark Souls/Elden Ring, and Divinity Original Sin 2. There’s just too many to even name haha.
For music I’m a metal fan, specifically progressive metal. But I really enjoy electronic, rap, and classical as well.
How about you?
I love video games, board games, music, and traveling. I used to love programming too, but working as a software dev for as long as I have has kind of killed that passion 😅
Life is great! I feel very fortunate to not have a lot of stressors in my life. I hope that’s more common than it seems these days!
You’re right, Taco Bell is way better.
(just kidding pls no hate)