I fully approve of spooky Data.
“Captain, I am just exploring my humanity.”
I am strangely aroused by goth data.
I mean… Whatever floats your boat. Remember the Riker who was from an alternate universe where the borg were winning? Same thing buddy.
Excellent. Now do Data as Hellraiser.
Oh god… I’m not sure I’m ready to imagine that, much less see it.
The box. You opened it. We came. Allamaraine, count to four. Allamaraine, then three more.
They do not understand our grace. Allamaraine if you can see. Allamaraine, then come with me.
Best I can do is Captain Bateson
This is quality. I’ll take it for now.
The entire movie or just Pinhead?
Better than his first choice.
Why not? He’s fully functional and programmed in many techniques.
She hasn’t forgiven him since that incident at Worf’s promotion.
Aww, this is the gif I was looking for earlier. Classic candle ghost sex.
He’s just like us, really. Except he listens to Cradle of Filth
You see that ridiculous display last night?
What was Wenger thinking sending Walcott on that early?
The trouble with Arsenal is, they always try and walk it in!
SPINERNon-binary Data?
Of course Data is non-binary, he’s Positronic.
Captain Jelico’s head would make a warp core breach look like a party cracker.
We need a whole episode/movies with Goth versions of characters