Janeway - murderous coffee-addicted criminal
Sicko - murderous Klingon coffee-addicted criminal
Janeway - murderous coffee-addicted criminal
Sicko - murderous Klingon coffee-addicted criminal
Well now I know what to do with the other one
Best I can do is Captain Bateson
No idea haha. Last time I had a Mac was over 20 years ago.
Yes, it’s Option-Command-D.
Try putting a please;
statement in there
Oh boy…
Not sure. There seems to be some kind of head cheese in the way.
Back when I did smoke I only ever really got that feeling from the first cigarette of the day, which is probably why I didn’t have trouble quitting.
I’ve worked on jQuery-only applications, and no thank you. Having to manually twiddle all that state is error prone and just plain not fun.
Lmao fucking autocorrect