Let’s hope it doesn’t happen. I don’t know why some people get excited. Monopolies are never a good thing and Microsoft is ONCE again getting too big…
Except Microsoft is in a distant third place in the gaming market - Sony has had the crown for that for years, and has actually used its market position in the past to make things worse for competitors and for gamers in general.
Kinda like Nintendo back in the day.
Sure, i don’t like monopolies, but pushing Sony of his comfort zone and making things a little better for users in the way.
except we need Microsoft to get bigger to stop Sony from being a dominating monopoly.
Microsoft can do that by actually competing. Throwing money around solely to take things away from people who don’t buy their products to entrench themselves in the market is anti-competitive. Allowing that sort of thing means any behemoth can come and muscle their way into any market they want to. This is a bad future.
Throwing money around solely to take things away from people, like Sony does? So it’s fine if it’s small enough and affects less people (Xbox users)? Or the other illogical line of thought of “they’re both not okay but don’t let them do what the smaller guy who controls more of the market does”.
Microsoft is only bigger because Xbox isn’t separate, they’re not even second biggest after the purchased.
So it’s fine if it’s small enough and affects less people (Xbox users)?
ms releases everything on console AND pc though.
MS releases everything on both of their platforms? Oh, how charitable of them.
and steam
And windows isn’t a platform that benefits them in that way anyway.
Sony still does not
I’m torn, because normally I wouldn’t want a company like microsoft to buy such a big publisher, but what Activision did to Blizzard was so bad that Microsoft would be an improvement.
When, in the whole history of gaming, has an acquisition improved on the company they bought?
I am happy to hear that. Microsoft hoarding all major publishers under one umbrella is extremely bad for a customer on a long run. We need competition.
Except they really aren’t merging into the biggest market player, not even second. Do you force someone with bigger budget to buy a Vios because this other guy can only buy the same? “Well Microsoft needs to make better games”.
Duh?! But they can also buy what they can afford to buy without shit regulators blocking stuff because “cloud gaming” or aome shit about COD. Sony is blocking 3RD PARTY GAMES from going to Xbox, fuck that shit and fuck you!