Can we get a consensus on whether our community should de-federate with servers that host loli? I personally think we should block them, and if that ends up not being the consensus here then I’ll probably sign up on another server. I hope we can all agree to set that boundary though because I like it here and it seems otherwise pretty cool.
Tu quoque is a fallacy. Pointing out fallacies isn’t, I checked.
I cant say that defederating is the right or wrong move, I’m just tired of bad faith argument. There is a balance to be stricken between regulation and libertarianism, the question to be answered is where that balance lies. Disavowing any new regulation as an inevitable descent into complete loss of freedom is ridiculous.
I don’t disagree with your stance. I just want to point out that the fallacy exists. It’s called the “Fallacy fallacy” or “Argument from fallacy”
Not appearing on a list with a Latin name doesn’t mean something isn’t a fallacy either. They’re inventing all sorts of new and exciting ways to be wrong lately.