Is there a better first post than this one?

Now let’s patiently wait for it to fill up! (hopefully)

    2 years ago

    Thankfully just finished Valhalla. It was good in points and a real slog in others. The world was beautiful and enjoyed traversing ancient England.

    I accidentally (wished) Stadia had stayed around but I bought a bunch of games as they were on sale and didn’t think Stadia would fold so fast. Cannot trust google but I wanted so bad for it to succeed.

    Anyway I bought lots of Ubisoft and a few others. Have been steadily making my way through them all and now onto odyssey. Really enjoying it. I think it’s just much brighter than Valhalla.

    Also I dip in and out of valheim when I just want to chill out.

    Gears 5 came out on GeForce so me and the Mrs have been trying to get into that. I’ve played them before but they are very slow going. Just the movement speed is slow and takes a long time to get hard to it.