Hey everyone! What’s your preferred input method for fps games on the deck? I find myself going back and forth between flick stick and trackpad. For me trackpad feels more natural but flick stick feels more worth the time investment? If I spend time with flick stick on the deck then I could also use it when streaming moonlight to my tv or at my pc.
Which do you guys prefer?
The real game changer is the gyro.
I prefer trackpad+gyro, but I’d take joystick+gyro over trackpad alone.
Yeah trackpad alone doesn’t do much. Not even 10% of what Trackpad + Gyro can. And don’t forget the back buttons, they’re extremely important as well. Because you can map actions like jump and crouch to them making sure that both your thumbs are over the trackpad/stick all the time. At least in competitive game, moving your thumb away from the trackpad even for a second can be catastrophic.