So i got an ikea on/off switch, i i have it connected via zigbee2mqtt, it says there is newer firmware, but when i try to update to it, it doesn’t do anything, i tried pressing the buttons on it while updating, because the zigbee2mqtt documentation for the switch said that but it still doesn’t update
See if it’s a firmware version problem like on the styrbar. Another clue: on bulbs of the same model, I had an upgrade error via z2m blocked at 4%, I had to turn off the power completely, wait for the timeout and restart the upgrade for it to work.
If that’s not it either, the logs are a good lead.
Here are my logs from what i can tell nothing is wrong in there it doesn’t even give me a percentage
In those logs it states ‘available’ as if the update if found but not triggered. Did you send a manual trigger message like described here in the docs? Neither is “Device didn’t respond to OTA request” in the log, further suggesting that. Sadly the file is cut off in your screenshot though so it’s hard to tell. Could you upload and share the complete log?
I went in to the Z2M OTA menu and it had an update(i just got the switch) and it just didn’t show anything about it updating even after a while, so I pressed it again and it just said that it was already updating, so i waited a while more and still nothing pressed it again and it didn’t say anything so I waited a bit and then restarted home assistant, but it was just the same, i dont know how to send a manual trigger message, and didn’t see anything about it when i skimmed the link you sent, i dont know how to upload the logs
I went in to the Z2M OTA menu and it had an update(i just got the switch) and it just didn’t show anything about it updating even after a while, so I pressed it again and it just said that it was already updating, so i waited a while more and still nothing pressed it again and it didn’t say anything so I waited a bit and then restarted home assistant, but it was just the same, i dont know how to send a manual trigger message, and didn’t see anything about it when i skimmed the link you sent, i dont know how to upload the logs
Here are my Z2M logs
So apparently my suggestion was wrong and the update request is sent, it is just not received properly. You said you also tried pressing the ikea button meanwhile to prevent it from going to sleep mode, so I’m kinda clueless here too. Maybe it helps to re-pair the switches? or just waiting for the update to be loaded by the switches themselves, which can take some days. zigbee2mqtt seems at least otherwise correctly configured to serve an ota update.
I just updated my on/off switches and fyrtur shades last week (also running on a Pi). For the switches, I clicked a button on them yo make sure they were awake and then ran to my computer to initiate the update immediately and it worked. The “update initiated pass/fail” message should appear in a small pop-up card on the upper right of the Z2M window before disappearing a few seconds later.
What I haven’t been able to update is the open/close switches no matter what I’ve tried.
Maybe a lead here :
If that doesn’t help, it would be great if you could give more info about your switch model, its version, and more logs if you can.
Device didn’t respond to ota request. Have you tried deleting the z2m switch and then reinstating it by pressing the button 4 times?
If that’s not enough, you’re really going to have to go further in the debugging process.
I have home assistant running dirrectly on a rpi, but will probably soon move it to a vm