Me: “It’s okay to be awake at 3 AM since I’m getting a head start by thinking about the code I need to write”
Then a handful of hours later, reality ensues
Just saying…you never have to compile your dream code.
Night shift ftw
Obviously the trick is to sleepcode.
No boss, I’m not napping on the job I’m sleepcoding.
A few weeks ago, I got stuck on a difficult bug. Worked on it all day on it at work and just couldn’t figure it out.
That night, I dreamed about the solution! When I woke up I wrote some notes about the solution from my dream, went to work, coded it, and it worked!
it’s worse when the solutions to your current problems taunts you in your dreams
I solve all my hardest problems while in the halfway state between awake and asleep.
I literally keep a laptop next to my bed so when i think up a solution for whatever problem i’m working on i can make a note about it. It’s not pretty but it works.
Just a simple note? Why dont you use your phone, maybe?
Or a pen and paper.
It syncs to my main computer and phone is the main reason. (And i hate typing a lot on my phone.)
No coding at work! Only meetings! What do you think we’re paying you for?
I had to debug our backend server today 😢
Lol I spent like 3 hours debugging why one of our services in stging wasnt publishing messages to kafka and 2 hours on a call with devops on monday trying to figure out why terraform tore down a diff services mongo permissions
Before we fall asleep, we become someone else.
In the last few years I started actively trying to stop myself from thinking about company code (and other work stuff too) when I’m not at work. You know, work life balance and all that. Did wonders to my mental health.
Flex time, people