Bread and Circuses (@breadandcircuses@climatejustice.social)
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Today, there are around 1.31 billion personal vehicles (cars, trucks, and SUVs) in the world. 🚙 Of those, only about 2% are hybrid or electric. The other 98% are ICE vehicles burning gasoline/petrol.
By 2050, it’s estimated we’ll have about 2.21 billion vehicles in the world. That’s a HUGE number, almost 70% greater than today.
But how many of those will be electric? Instead of only 2%, it’s expected they will increase to around 31% of the total.
That sounds great! 😃 More EVs is a good thing, right?
Well, if 31% are EVs in 2050, that means the other 69% will *still* be ICE vehicles burning gas/petrol. So the number of cars and trucks and SUVs burning fossil fuels will go UP from 1.28 billion now to about 1.52 billion by 2050.
That’s… not so good. 😠
We don’t *need* more cars, more traffic, more congestion, more pollution, more road damage, and more CO2 emissions.
What we need is:
❇️ More bicycles
❇️ More electric bikes
❇️ More pedestrians
❇️ More mass transit
❇️ More light rail
#Environment #Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #CO2 #Emissions
Yes, obviously, neither electronic nor self driving cars are the solutions. They STILL are cars that are cluttering the streets of our cities, both while running or while parking.
Of course they are SOME use cases where one truly needs a car but they are very limited, so limited usually other solutions are much better, e.g cycling but using a car or car sharing when one can’t get delivery done.
We, as citizens, “only” have to be honest with our actual usual. Sure from time to time we go from city A to city B but 95% of the time we go from neighborhood A, our flat, to neighborhood B, our office. That’s what most of us do twice a day, 200 days a year. We do NOT use cars for more than that and in such contexts, a bike, electrical or not, is better along most axis, not just price but also convenience.
Hopefully we’ll stop being convinced by ads showing beautiful cars in Corsica, Toscani, French riviera or Iceland while in truth, we are stuck in the boring rings surrounding our capitals.
clearing snow off the top of a sedan to commute to/from work is so much more effort than cleaning the seat and handles of a bike. Unfortunately the only reasonable route to work requires going on a highway where pedestrians and bicycles are prohibited.