Felix Allen, a recently fired New Orleans-based organizer at Lowe’s, recounts the measures taken by his employer to prevent his store from unionizing.
As family, we have to know how to sacrifice for the greater good, the growth of family.
Rule of Acquisition 48: The bigger the smile, the sharper the knife.
And not to overlook #211: Employees are the rungs on the ladder of success… don’t hesitate to step on them.
I am going to steal these and use them later.
You may as well steal all of them
anything to avoid paying you a living wage.
Calling them ‘family’, doesn’t make them family.
They’ll call employees ‘yer lordship’ if it’d save them 2 cents.
This is 100% true. At my last position, they hired a head winemaker at a cheaper than market rate. He had accepted because they let him choose his own title… Wine Overlord.
Obviously here we know its bullshit. But I’m willing to be that a lot of us have worked in places like that before. There is usually some people that work there not doing so well, poor or depressed or both and more, with reasoning that this is not the best place to work but there kinda looking out for me. People with thoughts that I don’t know where else to go, I have no skills,