This toggle allows you to opt out of having profiling used for future decisions that produce legal or similarly significant effects about you.
The what now?
This sounds strangely ominous.
This toggle allows you to opt out of having profiling used for future decisions that produce legal or similarly significant effects about you.
The what now?
This sounds strangely ominous.
Oh, are these legislators planning to pass laws cracking down in wage theft, safety violations and guaranteeing a living wage with basic healthcare and retirement benefits?
Then they can fuck off.
I will always root for Trek to succeed. I’m hoping that by including Rachel Garrett, this isn’t too timey-wimey and we get a well written TUC-TNG lost era story.
He’s also been regularly compromised by sketchy backdoors placed by the manufacturer in his firmware and remote code execution exploits.
But to be fair, anybody on the bridge who knows how to work the consoles could kill everyone aboard if they wanted.
Democratic Gov Tim Walz, who vetoed a bill last year that would have boosted pay for Uber and Lyft drivers, told The Associated Press on Wednesday that he was concerned because so many depend on those services, including disabled people.
I get the sentiment, but relying on private for-profit companies to provide basic transportation services in a city is stupid. That’s how Minneapolis got in this situation.
I gave it fair chance and watched the first three seasons. There were a few bright spots here and there, but I never connected with the characters or felt like the writing was up to par. I still hope they pull off a good final season, but I’m not planning to watch it any time soon.
Anything involving Romulus’ star means that ‘saving the planet’ is completely impossible.
Eventually, yes, but if it were possible to collapse the exploding star in a way that didn’t totally roast the planet it would buy a fair bit of time to continue the evacuation. It’ll get very cold and photosynthesis will stop, but with enough power and food, the population could hang on for several years if needed.
Oh, I very much doubt that he’s the only billionaire who’s written a letter like this to Google in the past year.
The impact to the timeline form the Narada affected the timeline before that point as well because it affected subsequent time travel (allllll the times SNW, TOS, TNG, VOY, DS9, etc. went into the past would have occurred differently)
Unless they’re really into arts and crafts, there’s no good reason for a home user to buy an inkjet anymore.
If every once in a while they want a nice photo print or to print up some flyers in color or something, it’s cheaper and less overall hassle to just pay per page at a drug store or office store on those occasions.
The original showrunner eventually posted how he intended the story to go. It’s a fun quick read about the better show that never got made:
There aren’t really any good ones, just a few different quality tiers between “low” and “extremely low”
The ones with rising crusts usually have higher quality sauce, cheese and toppings and are more filling because they’re breadier.
What if it’s a micro-replicator that makes marshmelons on demand? And what if I told you it could also make sausages, carrots, skinny cucumbers and taquitos like they have on those roller grill things at the gas station?
Not so stupid now.
It’ll do M&Ms too, you just have to shake it into your hand.
The Klingons oversell their whole honorable warrior schtick, especially to outsiders. They’re not a monoculture but it’s far less “cool” to be a nerdy scientist in Klingon society than, say, Starfleet, but they’ve still got them. They’re just not celebrated to the same degree. They pay for that by being a bit behind the tech curve, imo.
They share it amongst themselves via third party consulting firms already. This just gives the public visibility.
Yes, this is totally a symbolic move and nothing has meaningfully changed at Unity. Riccitiello is probably walking away with many millions of dollars and the rest of the leadership team who were fully onboard with the new licensing plan are still there. Once the negative press dies down, Unity will try something equally shitty again.
Developers would be foolish to trust this company ever again.
So is fish sauce, miso paste, yaggi, marmite, better than bouillon, parmesan, mushrooms, tomato paste and many many more things.
And anytime you see hydrolyzed soy or wheat protein on an ingredient label… that’s just slightly less refined MSG.
If you’d rather avoid liquid smoke try using smoked paprika instead. Store bought does the job but if you can find the good stuff at a local farmer’s market, it’s worth it.
The Universe probably wouldn’t fit in a sphere of any size and it very well may be infinite.
But looking at a very large spherical region like the visible universe from our perspective here on Earth, everything is moving away from us. If objects were being pulled towards one particular edge of our imaginary sphere, it would look very different. We’d see a clear drift in that direction, but it all looks pretty even across every direction we look.
No, there’s an offhand mention or two, but nothing impactful. The most important tie is Pike being aware of his fate, but they recap that pretty thoroughly.