I noticed that I tend to think something along the lines of

Everything will be okay. And even if it’s not, that’s okay too. You’ll get though this my love

The love bit was something I’ve been trying intentionally to instill. I’ve heard that positive self-talk can improve well being.

What do you think or say to yourself during those harder times?

  • Piecemakers@lemmy.world
    2 years ago

    Honestly? Something my little brother shared with me from our childhood. Apparently, it was during a hard time in his high school years. He came to me for advice, and what did I say?

    “Life is pain. Get a helmet, Princess.”

    I have no recollection of this, but he swears by it and says that it’s gotten him through some seriously rough times ever since, so I’ve started saying it to myself as well. Seems to work decently enough, and I like knowing that younger me had a supportive effect on the little bro like that. 🤗🥰