Obvious examples of Central Intelligence Agency covert action abroad are difficult to identify today, save for occasional acknowledged calamities, such as the long-running $1 billion effort to overthrow the government of Syria, via funding, training and arming barbarous jihadist groups.
I’m literally the opposite by focusing on the history that led up to the conflict and the role that west played in creating the conditions for it. The incredibly naive, reductive, and highly cropped version of history is the claim that Russia just decided to invade Ukraine out of the blue and nothing could’ve been done to avoid that. The fact that you’re a grown ass adult using the word tankie says everything I need to know about you though.
You’re scoping the relevant historical interval to begin at 1917. I’m scoping the relevant historical interval to begin at 482. You’re taking a highly targeted and very obviously biased view of the situation.
You’re scoping the historical interval before anything resembling Ukraine existed, and that has zero relation to the current geopolitical conflict between US and Russia where Ukraine is being used as a proxy. Somehow, you think that’s a coherent point you’ve made.
Beg to differ
Don’t be so dismissive; it goes even deeper:
How do you know it wasn’t the Russians what did it?
Ruzzia exited in 4000BCE and Putler killed all the Ukramians
Jesus. Fucking. Christ. This is like fascist mysticism. How fucking hard do you have work to rationalize your Russophobia?
Redtea is taking the piss.
Phew 😅 I didn’t know if I’d gone too far with that one.
The fact that it’s indistinguishable from reactionary talking points does warrant freagle’s response, though.
How is 1917 to 2023 highly targeted?