My friend and I collect old video games. But all my physical media just sits on my shelves and collects dust. Why do I even collect them? I literally just emulate everything. Is there a purpose to what I do? People ask me why I collect and I never have a real answer because I don’t even know. If I never play my stuff, is it worth just selling?

    2 years ago

    I think it’s just up to if that’s something you enjoy and gives you value then it’s worth it.

    I’m similar with books. I personally prefer to read ebooks because I find the experience a lot easier and better, but there are some books or authors that I really enjoy so I like to get the hardcover books as well. Some books I have both digitally and physically even though I’ve never read the physical copies but I like and enjoy them so I keep them even though they “collect dust” as you say.

    If you are thinking of paring down or downsizing, mayve just think of what games are really special to you and that you find meaningful to keep.