This post was supposed to have an image. I “create post,” then select an image to use, then choose “use this image” and it goes back to the post like it’s attached… But when I hit post, the image isn’t there… Is this just user error?
Thanks in advance!
I’d like to know how to embed an image anywhere on lemmy. Voyager doesn’t give you any options for markup at all and coming from sync pro I just kind of expect the toolbar to be there with those options.
Is there a guide anywhere because unless I find a client that does make it easy I’m going to have to try and memorise some.

Liftoff will manage the upload for ye, on browser it worked by pressing the image icon or pasting it in, anything else I don’t know
Useful I’ll take a note but it looks like Voyager doesn’t even display them. I’ll give Liftoff a try.