What’s the best game deal you ever got?

For me it was the original Subnautica. Was a free give away before it got popular and I had no expectations when I played it. Really enjoyed the exploration and the pacing.

Second was Axiom Verge - I got it for free before it became popular but I don’t remember how. I bought it when it went to Steam because I wanted to support the creator.

Both are fun exploration sorts of games if you haven’t played them. Axiom Verge is a metroidvania. Kinda a weird game, but in a good way.

  • steeznson@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    Picked up Conker’s Bad Fur Day on N64 for £20 when I was 12 in 2004. I thought it was a bit pricey for an “old” game at the time. However in the years since it’s become a rare game (in addition to being a Rare game) and it’s now worth 5-6 times as much 2nd hand.