I’ve been very busy with work the last few months so I haven’t really played any games, but things are finally starting to get back to normal a bit and I wanted to try this RPG. I played it a bit when it came out but decided to really dive into it this time. Just wondering if there’s anyone here who’s played it and has any advice? I’ve had the game spoiled for me already so don’t worry about spoilers.
Man, I played this game a few years back and I had a pretty opposite reaction to most reviews I’ve seen.
CONCLUSION: Meh? I really don’t understand the adoration people have for this game. It’s a mediocre non-combat roguelike with about 3 hour of content they’ve spread over 15 hours. It feels very much like a case of style over substance. This game genuinely makes me sad. I really wanted to like it, but… ugh. It feels like work.
Are you talking about Outer Worlds or Outer WILDS?