I got into Civilization rather late with their fifth entry. I was hesitant because as I get older I need more time to game than I do new titles. Still I picked up six with all DLC during the last sale. I have to say I am liking the changes. It was good to wait because Civ does need its DLCs to feel complete.
On a side note, it runs quite nice on the Steam Deck (In desktop mode docked)
I wasn’t patient with this one and have no regrets. The base game was good but the dlc adds a lot of interesting gameplay options. Buying the complete game is a steal now.
A total steal and worth getting.
I’ve been looking to try Civ 5 or 6, but haven’t decided which one yet.
IMO, Five is easier to learn and more straight-forward, while Six feels more convoluted, but Six gains some depth and variety from that if you put in the time to learn it.
Yeah, I find 6 takes a bit more micromanaging to be effective, at least for me. I like both games, but if I had to choose one I’d go with 5.
5 is a more traditional civ, 6 adds a lot of different things that add new layers, maybe not better things though.
5 is superior imo, it’s more simple to understand but has a lot to master. It’s more visually appealing too, Civ 6 throws so much extra crap at you.
5 is more depth from simple mechanics. 6 is adding mechanics to try and make depth. I’d recommend 5 for sure, though 2K are kind of scummy and put 6 on discounts to try and force players into that and no longer really put Civ 5 on sale cause they know people would rather buy that.
I think 5 is what I’m looking for. Sometimes Civ (in general) gets out of hand with the micromanagement. I want something that’s kind of casual.
Yeah, 5 isnt too bad unless you got loads of units late game. 6 overwhelmed me from the get go.
6 also has a really bad habit of trying to hide a lot of stuff away from you for idk why, cleaner aesthetics? In 5 almost all the numbers are there out in the open ready to be looked at in-game and it makes approaching everything much easier for me