After growing my beard out for maybe 5-6 years, trimming it myself and generally keeping it looking “reasonable” I thought I’d treat myself and go get it trimmed by a “professional” first thing before a day full of webex meetings.
Now admittedly it was maybe a bit What year is it?, but it was well taken care of. Wee dude even commented on how it was one of the softest he’d cut.
Then he fucking trimmed it to fuck, into a big sorcerers point while I just sat there aghast. Absolutely scunnered.
But thenmy big stupid heid is exposed!
That doesn’t look disastrous! and you have enough length left to correct the shape to something rounder if that’s what you had before
Thinking I’m just gonna embrace it. Get a nice dark purple robe and a staff and just cut about cursing folk.
Lean into the Wizards sleeve
I put on my robe and wizard’s hat
But yourself an orb to ponder for good measure.
I realise it’s little consolation, but having not seen the before it looks great. I’ve had a beard for, like 20/30 years and rarely last more than a couple of months before getting annoyed with it, lopping the whole thing off and starting from scratch.
That’s partly why I decided to go to barbers. Been getting annoyed with my hair and beard for a while and considered just shaving the lot off. At least this experience has put me off that notion for a good while!
i do appreciate the jean luc in the background
That was a birthday present for my wife, a huge trekkie!
Also before I realised the actual size of A0……
i’ve told my partner he should now know what to get me for christmas……
and isn’t A0 like literally used for like banner ads and full size movie posters stuff?
Sorry dude(tte/tther), this is hilarious
Oh, i ageee. If I didn’t laugh I’d definitely be sobbing!
I like it.
Cheers! To be fair it is growing on me finally.
Beards dae that
You were great on Eurovision, though.
You’ve got pretty much what I want. I’ve got the length, but it’s growing outwards from the chin instead of straight down.
I’m a bit scared to risk getting it trimmed after reading this thread though 😳
I see what was going for. The goatee area is pronounced and longer. Not what I’d do, but may suit the longer hair or if you are starting a cult. It is a cut that can be fixed however. Either way, if he was doing anything non-standard, he should have discussed it with you.
Picard is clearly not impressed.
I say no to the goatee. You should, too. Trim that off so you have a straight line bellow the jaw, it will look less messy. I don’t know what this barber was thinking.
Also is the combo long hair + long beard a conscious choice? :)
What, you mean you don’t like it?
It looks really messy to me. As far I am concerned it’s either short and nicely trimmed beard with long hair or big beard with short hair. As I am loosing mine, I went with the second option (also I’m a bit fat so I still keep my sideburns very short. A bit like this)