I’ve seen several big chains, mostly gas stations and fast food, advertising “daily pay”. If you are worried about how you’re going to make it until your next paycheck, whether it’s tomorrow or next month, or you have no savings to cover any sort of emergency, then you live paycheck-to-paycheck.

Don’t be fooled. “Daily Pay” is just a shitty attempt at avoiding paying better wages by giving you your shitty wages faster. It’s designed to benefit the company, not you.

Edit: If you don’t get to hold on to your pay check long enough to earn interest on any of it, then getting paid daily is not benefiting you.

  • SquiffSquiff@lemmy.world
    9 months ago

    OP you have some strange ideas. You think it’s better for workers to wait for their money? Why? If this were me and I wanted to paid at the end of the month I could just pay into a savings account daily and collect interest.

    Yes daily pay is associated with casual work, like labouring. Some people struggle to turn up for work reliably. At least with this they get paid when they do. Better than zero hours contracts.