Tried to screen grab this but it kind of messed up a bit, so I apologise for that. Appears the news site has some kind of filter thing over it trying to stop me.
The basics of this is that someone was riding a bicycle to work one morning and a police officer stopped them for legal riding. Dont know if this is a fit, will remove if not.
Sounds about right, pretty sure they either don’t know most rules of the road or are such arrogant pricks they think they don’t apply to them.
As a cyclist the 3 most dangerous types of vehicles I keep an eye out for are taxis, council vehicles and then police cars. All of which often pass me with 50cm of space between their vehicle and my handlebars.
Taxis are without a doubt the worst however. Fuck those arrogant, dangerous cunts.
Lorries. They overtake and pull in before they’re past you, so you’re forced off the road.
Funnily enough a policeman asked me to report this every time I saw it, because he knew there were a couple of particular drivers who kept doing it and they wanted plenty of evidence.
Where I am I’ve never really had an issue with lorries, they always seem to be aware of where I am and pass with more than enough space. Smaller 7.5 ton (usually scaffolders) however don’t seem to have the same awareness in my experience.
Had a taxi force me to jump back when on a pedestrian crossing last week. Was already half way across.