I’ve been backing up to a dedicated hard disk within the same server for all my backups in case my disks fail. And as I run more and more services, the concern of disks failures grow bigger.
I’m looking for a cheapish off-site backup solution and I’m just curious what everyone does for their 3-2-1 backup solutions.
If you ever get raided by the Feds they’ll probably raid your friends and family’s houses too so it is generally advisable to avoid using friends and family for offsite storage.
First they’d need a reason which they won’t find or have.
Secondly in my 20+ years working in IT and using the internet I’ve never once heard that statement about it being “generally advisable to avoid using friends and family for offsite storage”. Needed a good laugh. Thanks.
Is getting raided by the FBI something most people worry about?
I don’t worry about getting raided by the FBI at all since I don’t live in the US lol
But apparently some people worry about it…but if those same people knew how to protect themselves while using the internet they wouldn’t need to worry at all.
What is the alternative?