I am moving from an debian-server (odroid) to a proxmox-server. I have a 2tb-ssd for some media in my proxmox, so that is what i did:

  1. i mounted the smaba-share from my old server in proxmox (not in the lxc “ausiobookshelf”)
  2. i moved the data from the old server to the lxc-mountpoint “audiobooks” on my proxmox

This worked but now i have trouble to give permissions. In proxmox i can edit the permissions but there is no user “audiobookshelf” in the proxmox-root. In the lxc i have the user “audiobookshelf” but i have no rights to edit the permissions.

Question: What is the best solution to move data to lxc-mountpoints regarding the permissions? Should i use a systemwide user or group? Or should i mount the samba-share from the old server in the lxc?

audiobookshelf is only the beginning. SABnzbd and jellyfin will follow so i ask in common… ;)

  • tvcvt@lemmy.ml
    7 months ago

    Awesome. I’m glad it helps. I’d be a little weary of using the same directory in multiple containers. File systems may or may not behave well with multiple machines writing to them. Not saying anything bad will happen, but do keep an eye out for issues.