Derby, CT is a small, working-class, post-industrial town with a population which has been stagnant at about 12,000 for more than six decades.

The geniuses over at the Connecticut DOT decided that this obviously meant that the town’s Main Street needed to be widened, by twice the size, destroying a number of historic buildings and uprooting numerous small community businesses in the process. That red stripe on the far left of the “After” pic is the new edge of the street.

    7 months ago
    1. asphalt roads in your climate are not practical. the maintenance is CONSTANT. rails would be much lower maintenance. trains work. they have worked. I’ve told you where to look for examples, for actual history of this working. you are not more remote than a rural village in fucking siberia. you’re not more spread out than pre-industrial mexico. I have told you where to look for examples of better, to correct your idea of history without having to believe me, and you’re just here arguing your anachronistic propaganized historical fiction at me.

    2. why are you even here, on fuckcars, if you’re just so comitted to them and not willing to imagine better?

    3. yeah living rural is fucking inconvenient sometimes. that’s part of the point. honestly, it’s part of the charm. so you can’t go to walmart on the spur of the moment every second of every day. boofuckinghoo. I survived living rural by having a garden, solar, micro-wind, and bicycle backup. I’d have had a battery instead of a shed of janky capacitors, but it was a while ago and I was poor. what the fuck are you even doing out there without that?

    4. cars are unsustainable. not “difficult to sustain”, UNfuckingsustainable. cannot be sustained. every second we try to hold onto this shit costs us, ruins what we get next, robs the next generation by another tiny fraction, steals hours from their lives. even if you were right, which you were not, I’d say you’re shit out of luck and your way of life needs to end. it doesn’t, because you’re wrong, but, like, if you weren’t.

    edit: oh, and there’s an indigenous group running their own railroad somewhere in the ass end of nowhere WAY north of you. i forget if its just one tribe or a little bigger, but this is a rural community who decided to service themselves with trains, and they seem happy with it.